The rapid rollout of testing and vaccination programs to priority populations is the best way to mitigate the spread of infectious disease.
The rapid, widespread transmission of monkeypox (MPX) in the United States has prompted a public health emergency. For many, this phrase recalls the early, uncertain days of COVID-19. Fortunately, MPX testing, vaccines, and treatments already exist, although in short supply. And as COVID-19 taught us, the rapid rollout of testing and vaccination programs to priority populations is the best way to mitigate the spread of infectious disease.
For this reason, we’ve compiled insights learned from rolling out fast, reliable COVID-19 and MPX testing and vaccination programs into a new resource for MPX policymakers, public health officials, and communities. Our free Guide to successful MPX testing and vaccination programs provides a roadmap to planning and launching effective testing and vaccination programs. The guide covers everything from choosing an event site to training staff to enhancing the participant experience.

This complimentary downloadable guide contains the following:
- MPX fast facts – symptoms, transmission, survival rates, and more
- Key lessons learned from COVID-19 testing and vaccination programs
- Tips for boosting engagement in MPX testing and vaccination programs
- Checklist of MPX testing and vaccination best practices for public awareness campaigns, priority populations, program selection, site logistics, supplies, technology, and more.
We know from experience that providing health diagnostics programs takes time, planning, funding, and technology. And most importantly, partners. We are here to answer your questions and share what we’ve learned to help you protect the health of your population.
Let’s stop the spread of MPX together. Download the guide, e-mail us at bd-government@primary.health, or get in touch here.