Digital Health Clinical Offerings - Primary Health
Primary.Health example of clinical direct-to-patient communication

Clinical Offerings

We offer a range of provider services that integrate seamlessly with our platform, enhancing its digital health capabilities and providing your organization with powerful tools to deliver exceptional healthcare and clinical offerings.

Our solution is more than just technology

From seamless data workflows to direct-to-patient communication tools, Primary.Health’s suite of services helps you stand up or support clinic operations faster.


Over-the-Counter Testing


  • OTC Test Enablement
  • Custom admin portal with results management
  • Real time result distribution
  • Monthly performance reports
  • Email support



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Point-of-Care Testing


  • POC test enablement via CLIA licensure
  • Custom admin portal with results management
  • Real time result distribution
  • Weekly performance reports
  • Phone and email support



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Telehealth & eRX


  • Test to treat services
  • Case management support
  • Customized provider workflows
  • Ordering provider services


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CLIA Waiver Program

Streamlined OTC testing

Make over-the-counter testing meaningful by leveraging our platform to collect demographic information, record test results, and communicate with your population. We enable you to generate actionable data insights to track positivity rates, protocol adherence, and so much more.

Enhanced testing with optional clinical oversight

Run point-of-care (POC) CLIA-waived tests with confidence using our clinical oversight and compliance services. Our team of experts ensures your testing procedures meet the highest standards, providing peace of mind and enabling you to focus on delivering exceptional care.

You become the laboratory, capable of keeping your community safe and healthy through rapid diagnostics.

point-of-care testing

Efficient requisitioning and ordering provider services

Want to test your population, but don’t have providers onsite? We offer standing order creation and requisitioning provider services in all 50 states. Our platform handles the compliance back end for a seamless administrator experience.

Telehealth and eRX customized workflows for connected care

We offer customized workflows for telehealth and electronic prescriptions (eRX), enabling connections to care and treatment for eligible conditions. Streamline your processes, improve patient outcomes, and enhance the delivery of healthcare services with our tailored solutions.

Anywhere can become a clinic.

at-home stool test for colorectal cancer

Fulfillment services for OTC tests, POC tests, and testing supplies

Simplify your supply chain management with our fulfillment services for over-the-counter (OTC), point-of-care (POC), and test supplies. We work directly with some of the largest names in test procurement, ensuring you get the best prices. If an item is not already on our list, we’ll add it on your behalf.

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Streamline your health management with our free 14-day software trial

Use Primary’s health management software free for two weeks and experience safer and more efficient workflows.

3 non-traditional settings for deploying CLIA-waived testing

Written by our resident clinician, Dr. Adi Chandrasekhar, MD, MPH, FACP