Software to simplify and automate vaccination clinic operations
Communicate: Get the word out using customized e-mail and SMS messaging, with communications supported in 22+ languages.
Promote: Encourage direct clinic scheduling to organizations, health plan members, community groups, or school rosters.
Remind: Set up automated appointment reminders to ensure no one forgets about your event!
Simplify: Offer easy, digital registration, consent, and administration.
Streamline: Enable patient-centric scheduling by location and services.
Customize: Choose from 20+ pediatric, adult, and senior vaccinations from a wide range of manufacturers.
Protect: Customize clinical questionnaires, safeguard vaccine lots and separate codes for VFC and insurance-billed vaccines.
Follow up: Automated scheduling for multi-dose follow-up.
Notify: Send digital record of vaccination to patient.
Query: Use dashboard to access immunization records, with automated immunization information system (IIS) query.
Review: analyze live administration metrics.
Send: Benefit from same-day automated vaccine reporting to state IIS.
Manage: Plan for clinic inventory and capacity.
Integrate: Optionally connect with health plans, EHRs, databases and more.
We design our solutions to fit your organization’s goals and needs:
Real-time dashboard with built-in tools to manage, react to, and report on vaccine status.
Customize email + text messages and go! Portal streamlines document upload.
Syncs with state registries and databases for seamless reporting.
All the phone support you need, both technical and, if specified, for participants.
Manufacturer-inclusive with vaccine lot safeguards and auto-scheduled doses
On-site staff for vaccine administration and software support
Administer/report on vaccinations (DTaP, MMR, Polio, HPV, Flu, RSV, Shingles, more).
Primary has had the privilege of working alongside cities, counties, and state agencies in more than 25 states to administer over 14 million diagnostic tests, 1.6 million vaccines and connect patients to treatment services at sites across the country.
We are the chosen partners for states and counties transitioning from multiple overlapping emergency systems to streamline efficient IT infrastructure for post-COVID service delivery.
Partners turn to Primary for help with transitioning off of their existing scheduling platform or for building a new one.
Primary continues to be the platform that powers testing, vaccination, and other health screenings throughout California, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, major Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies, and soon: more clinics and labs near you.
Send us a message if you’d like to review what our tech can do for your organization!